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Showing posts from August, 2022

March for science 2022

A day for science!!! The India March for Science 2022 took off with an enthusiastic start on August 10 after a low profile period of two years owing to the COVID pandemic. The March programs were conducted in 14 states over a period of two weeks. Prior to the start of the March programs in India, research scholars from 37 institutes in 14 countries organized solidarity demonstrations in support of IMFS 2022.  A “March for Science’ rally was organised on 27 August at Trivandrum. Some of us from physical science association participated in the programme. It was organised at Sathyan Memorial Hall near Museum junction. The March program began with a seminar inaugurated by Prof C.P.Aravindakshan,  president of the reception committee. Prof Biju Kumar A, Department of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, University of Kerala, spoke on 'Climate Change and Kerala' and Mr Vaisakhan Thampi spoke on 'Scientific temperament.' Talks were informative as well as motivating.  ...

Incredible India!๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ‘ซ๐Ÿ‘ญ

India 's 75th independence anniversary!!! MTTC also celebrated the day with colourful programmes. On 16th August afternoon, after the official function there were cultural programmes of different optionals.  We the physical science association also participated in the cultural programme with an event highlighting the integrity and divinity of India and it was named as Incredible India.  The culture of different states were represented using a short act and some dance  performances were meant to awaken the patriotic values of audience.  

75 years of independence - A Brief talk

India is usehring its 75th year of Independence on August 15, 2022, a momentous milestone in its journey since attaining freedom in 1947.  MTTC also celebrated the Independence day with great importance. The official function was inaugurated by Sri. Mathu Saji, renowned journalist. In the absence of Principal, Dr. Reghu sir presided over the function. The value of freedom, the current status of India and freedom of its citizens were well defined during the talk. In between the celebrations her words gave us insight about our present situation and plight.  It was immense pleasure for me to compere the function and a nice experience to interact with Mathu ma'am. The discussion session were also worthful.

Aazadi ka Amrit Maholsav!๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ

75th Anniversary of Indian Independence  or  Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav  was an event, in which the 75th Anniversary of the  Independence of India  was celebrated all over India .  Mar Theophilus Training College, in accordance with the 75th Independence Day decided to create a freedom wall on the college.  I'm really happy that I could be a part of the initiative. We started the work on Saturday morning and completed it by sunday evening. Final view Dr. B R Ambedkar and Constitution of India Famous Freedom Fighters Jalian wala Bagh Massacre It was great to participate in the task. The support by Principal Dr. K Y Benedict sir and all teachers were immense. Maya ma'am and Joju sir gave us warm energy and great support to work. 

Film Screening- ' NEWTON'๐ŸŽž️๐ŸŽฅ

In accordance with the Independence day celebrations College Union Advithiya conducted a Film Screening on August 12, 2022 @ College auditorium, MTTC 'Newton', a political satire and an Oscar entrant, effectively portrays the loopholes that are persisting in the dysfunctional democratic system. It is a hard hitting satirical dark comedy on the  election system and the plight of the backward classes in our country !! Newton Kumar( he himself got that changed from Nutan Kumar๐Ÿ˜ ) tries his best to conduct free and fair voting despite the odds stacked against him. The difficulties and challenges that Newton faces to get 76 voters in a remote village in a jungle in Chattisgarh , in the naxal controlled areas is what the movie is all about . The first half is breezily funny and despite being a dark comedy , one enjoys every single moment of it till the interval !! The second half is a bit slower than the first half , but with its excellent script and performances it make...

เดนിเดฐോเดทിเดฎเดฏ്เด•്เด•ും เดจാเด—เดธാเด•്เด•ിเด•്เด•ും เด“เตผเดฎിเดช്เดชിเด•്เด•ാเดจുเดณ്เดณเดค്...!

เดฐเดฃ്เดŸാം เดฒോเด• เดฎเดนാเดฏുเดฆ്เดงം เด…เดคിเดจ്เดฑെ เดŽเดฒ്เดฒാ เดคീเดต്เดฐเดคเดฏോเดŸുเด•ൂเดŸിเดฏും เดจിเดฑเดž്เดžാเดŸുเดจ്เดจ เดธเดฎเดฏം. เด•ൂเดŸ്เดŸുเดถเด•്เดคിเด•เดณാเดฏ เด‡เดฑ്เดฑเดฒിเดฏും เดœเตผเดฎเดจിเดฏും เดคเดณเตผเดจ്เดจിเดŸ്เดŸും เดชോเดฐാเดŸുเดจ്เดจ เดœเดช്เดชാเดจെ เดคเด•เตผเด•്เด•ാเดจാเดฏി เด…เดฎേเดฐിเด•്เด• เดชเดฆ്เดงเดคിเด•เตพ เดจെเดฏ്เดคു.  1945 เด†เด—เดธ്เดฑ്เดฑ് 6 เดคിเด™്เด•เดณാเดด്‌เดš เดฐാเดตിเดฒെ 8.15, เดนിเดฐോเดทിเดฎാเดฏിเดฒെ เดœเดจเด™്เด™เตพ เด‰เดฑเด•്เด•เดฎുเดฃเตผเดจ്เดจเดค് เด’เดฐു เดธ്เดซോเดŸเดจ เดถเดฌ്เดฆം เด•േเดŸ്เดŸാเดฃ്, เด…เดฎേเดฐിเด•്เด•เดฏുเดŸെ เด…เดฃുเดฌോംเดฌ് เดนിเดฐോเดทിเดฎเดฏെ เดคเด•เตผเดค്เดคെเดฑിเดž്เดž เดถเดฌ്เดฆം เด•േเดŸ്เดŸ്!   เด…เดฎേเดฐിเด•്เด•เดฏുเดŸെ เด…เดฃ്เดตാเดฏുเดง เดชเดฆ്เดงเดคിเดฏാเดฏ เดฎാเตปเดนเดŸ്เดŸเตป เดช്เดฐോเดœ്เด•เดฑ്เดฑിเดจ്เดฑെ เดญാเด—เดฎാเดฏുเดฃ്เดŸാเด•്เด•ിเดฏ 'เดฒിเดฑ്เดฑിเตฝ เดฌോเดฏ്' เดŽเดจ്เดจ เด…เดฃുเดฌോംเดฌ് เด…เดคിเดจ്เดฑെ เด•เตผเดฎം เดญംเด—ിเดฏാเดฏി เดจിเตผเดตเดนിเดš്เดšു. เดœเดช്เดชാเดจിเดฒെ เดนിเดฐോเดทിเดฎ เดšിเดจ്เดจിเดš്เดšിเดคเดฑി. เด…เดจേเด•ം เดจിเดฐเดชเดฐാเดงിเด•เตพ เดคเตฝเด•്เดทเดฃം เดฎเดฐിเดš്เดšു. เดชൊเดณ്เดณിเดช്เดชിเดŸเดž്เดž เดœเดจเด™്เด™เตพ เด†เดถ്เดตാเดธเดค്เดคിเดจാเดฏി เดจീเดฐുเดฐเดตเด•เดณിเดฒേเด•്เด•ു เดŽเดŸുเดค്เดคു เดšാเดŸി, เดŽเดจ്เดจാเตฝ เด•เดฐเดฏേเด•്เด•ാเดณും เดšൂเดŸിเตฝ เดคിเดณเดš്เดšുเดฎเดฑിเดฏുเดจ്เดจ เดœเดฒം เด…เดชเด•เดŸเดค്เดคിเดจ്เดฑെ เด†เด˜ാเดคം เดตเตผเดฆ്เดงിเดช്เดชിเดš്เดšു. เด†เด•്เดฐเดฎเดฃเดค്เดคിเตฝ เดฎเดฐിเด•്เด•ാเดค്เดคเดตเดฐുเดŸെ เด…เดตเดธ്เดฅเดฏാเดฏിเดฐുเดจ്เดจു เดเดฑെ เด•เดท്เดŸം, เด—ുเดฐുเดคเดฐเดฎാเดฏി เดชൊเดณ്เดณเดฒേเดฑ്เดฑു เด’เดฐിเดฑ്เดฑു เดตെเดณ്เดณเดค്เดคിเดจാเดฏി เด•േเดดുเดจ്เดจเดตเดฐെ เด‡เดจ്เดจും เดธเด™്เด•เตฝเดช്เดชിเด•്เด•ാเตป เดชോเดฒും เดงൈเดฐ്เดฏം เดตเดฐിเดฒ്เดฒ. 4 เดฒเด•്เดทเดค്เดคിเดฒเดงിเด•ം เดชേเดฐാเดฃ് เดฎാเดฐเด• เดฐോเด—เด™്เด™เตพเด•്เด•് เด•ീเดดเดŸเด™്เด™ി เดฎเดฐിเดš്เดšเดค്. เด‡เดจ്เดจും เด…เดคിเดจ്เดฑെ เดฆുเดฐിเดคം เดชേเดฑി เดœീเดตിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เด…เดจേเด•เตผ เด‰เดฃ്เดŸെเดจ്เดจ് เด‰เดณ്เดณเดค് เดตേเดฆเดจിเดช്...