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Exploring from known to unknown

04 January, 2022

Another happy day with a lot of hope and content. 

The day call us to Rise up, Start fresh and to see the bright opportunity in each day.

The first hour was handled by Maya Ma'am. Along with her beautiful smile she presented the topic Paradigm shift. Also the duties and responsibilities of a teacher were discussed in the class.

" Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society Because their professional efforts affect the fate of the Earth."

After the session, Principal Benedict sir welcomed the M.Ed trainees from Gov. College of teacher Education for their internship.

 In the next session Gibi Ma'am discussed the Maxims of teaching. She recited a poem to awake our imaginary skills.

'മുകിലുകള്‍ മേയും കുന്നിന്‍ ചരിവിലൊരമ്പലമുണ്ടല്ലോ
അമ്പലനടയില്‍ പന്തലിടുന്നൊരു മാമരമുണ്ടല്ലോ'
and it took me to the school days and the memories of those days.😊

In the optional hour Neena ma'am introduced the M.Ed trainees and we had a pleasant interaction with them.

The afternoon session was by handled by Ancy Ma'am. The various developmental aspects were discussed in the class and it was very informative.  

Later we spent our time in the library. I always adore the moments in library. 
'I don't have to look far to find treasures. I discover them every time I visit a Library' 📖📕


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