Books are lighthouses erected in the great sea of time. —E.P. Whipple
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National Reading Day 2022: In India, National Reading Day is observed every year on the 19th of June. National Reading Day is celebrated to spread awareness among the young generation about the importance of reading. The habit of reading should be developed in everyone because reading not only increases our knowledge but also makes the individual pacific, concentrated and patient. National Reading Day is also known as Vaayanadinam.
National Reading Day is celebrated to honor the Keralian Teacher, Puthuvayil Narayana Panicker. P.N Panicker died on 19th June 1995 and to pay tribute to his contributions it was decided to celebrate National Reading Day. For his enormous contributions P.N Panicker is known as the father of the “Library Movement in Kerala”.
I have a lot of memories in connection with reading day. In my school days we used to conduct elocution competition, skit competition, quiz competition, poster making competition and all. The importance of reading was stressed through all these acts and now the memories make smile ☺️
In connection with reading day participated in a poster making competition organised by English Optional of St.Thomas Training College, Mukkolakkal. I'm so glad that I could win third prize of the competition. More than that the competition reminded me my school days.
Poster on Reading Day

It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to give them something worth reading. Something that will stretch their imaginations—something that will help them make sense of their own lives and encourage them to reach out toward people whose lives are quite different from their own. —Katherine Patterson